365 Day Project February

Feb. 2 - "Orlando Bound"

I'm never excited to leave my family for 4 days.  This year was no different.  I am, however, grateful that I would for a great company and have amazing co-workers.

Feb. 3 - "Cheers"

I left my camera at home, so the crappy iphone camera had to suffice.  Here are some of the guys on my team having a brew.

Feb. 4 - "Palms"

We didn't have time to catch a tan, or take a dip, but we were able to catch a glimpse of sunshine and sit outside bit.

Feb. 5 - "There's No Place Like Home!"

This is how I feel when I'm away from my family.  I love the extra cuddles waiting for me when I get home.

Feb. 6. - "Bubbles"

They love their bathtime!  Although there are times when I have to separate them to preventing the bathroom from flooding.  Crazy boys!!

Feb. 7 - "Gray's Airplane"

Grayson loved this activity (thank you Ligrow family).  He worked diligently for quite a while on this, then proudly showed off his finished product.  

Feb. 8 - "Boarder"

 He worked much longer than I could weather the cold on perfecting a ramp jump.  He must've fallen 100 times.

Feb. 9 - "1980's"

Hey, kid 1983 called and it wants it's outfit back! Yes, those are shorts over sweats.  Yes, he dresses himself.  Although, I would gladly take credit for this amazing ensemble.  Seriously, Rocky has got nothing on you Gray!

Feb. 12 - "Valentine Sweat Shop"

I wish I could also take credit for this title.  It was coined my my witty neighbor, Amy who employed her two young girls in the same sort of sweatshop.  How many kids are in your class again??  Whew!!

Feb. 13 - "Leonardo Loses"

Grayson loves imaginative play right now.  It doesn't matter if it's grocery store, house, fire fighter, rock band, or in this case ninja...he digs it.  Sadly, he lost to his fierce opponent, Raphael (Daddy) for this round.

Feb. 14 - "Patterns"

He loves patterns.  He will welcome you to join him on a coloring project, only if he hashes out a color plan in advance.  I get it.  Nothing will screw up a picture faster than not following the color plan.  I colored the two small hearts on the bottom of the page.  I stuck to the plan, he was pleased.  

Feb. 15 - "Magic Skillet"

Nathan is experiencing the exhilarating rush that comes with young love.  Will it last?  We shall have to see.  Right now they are getting along splendidly, and I selfishly hope the magic endures.  

Feb. 16 - "Magic Continues"

Best, Cookie, Ever!!!  That is all.

Feb. 17 - "Leonardo"

The imaginative play is so much fun!  He's a fierce TNMT, don't you think?

Feb. 18 - "Car Track"

Both boys got car track extensions and loops for Valentines.  It's the popular pastime in our home once again.  

Feb. 19 - "Cupcake"

Feb. 20 - "Another Car"

I need to get outside and stop taking pictures of toys!

Feb. 24 - "Stolen White"

This was reserved for my friend's Christine and Denny who recently moved.  Sad face (they were our next door neighbors).  This was their house warming present.  However, in a weak and wineless moment I succumbed to the temptation and drank it.  Me = Bad Friend.

Feb. 25 - "The Reader"

We are so grateful our boy loves to read.  He spends a great deal of time reading and writing, and it's fun to watch.  

Feb. 26 - "Docs in hats"

This evening was spent at a work dinner.  I couldn't help snapping a quick picture with my phone of these two gearing up for the cold night.  


Feb. 27 - "Good Brew, Great Friends!"

Got to hang with our dearest friends.  They just so happened to bring fun beer to drink too, bonus!

Feb. 28 - "Hippo"

Grayson left this for me to cuddle with.  He's so sweet!

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